March 2023
Servant's Heart

Before You Say No...
By Ana Batts
During bleak winter days, it always helps me to remember summer is just around the corner. Summertime is my favorite. VBS. Summer camp. A break from school. So many adventures.
Now that our oldest children are in high school, summer also comes with opportunities.
Mission trips. Volunteer opportunities. ETEAM. Truth and Peace. All those things are great…and expensive.
It is easy to simply say no to these opportunities because the idea of funding them is terribly daunting. Here are a few tips we have found helpful when fundraising for summer opportunities.
Figure out what your family’s financial contribution will be. In the end, fundraising only goes so far. Developing a plan from the outset keeps finances from getting too stressful.
Don’t expect your church to be the primary source of fundraising for your teen’s summer adventures. We are blessed to be in a church that is incredibly supportive of teens. But remember, churches and church members don’t have unlimited funding.
Think outside the box. Does your teen have a special talent? Crafting? Make something to sell. Building? Build something to sell. Cooking? Bake something to sell. Photography? Offer to take family photos on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day weekends for donations.
Do you have access to equipment your teen
can safely use? Cutting grass. Weeding flower beds. Power washing sidewalks. All are great ways to turn time into donations.
Timing is everything. Take advantage of times people are already planning to spend money on special treats or gifts. Timing makes your efforts more successful. Bake sales are great anytime, but it is best to bake cakes and pies around Thanksgiving or Easter. Make special treats around Valentine’s Day. Spring cleaning and fall yard cleanup are other great seasonal opportunities.
Holidays offer unique opportunities, but taking advantage of those requires advance planning. Everyone is fundraising in April and May. Don’t wait to start in the spring. Plan ahead. Spread the word early.
Plan for your teen to work for the trip(s). Babysitting. Yard work. Cleaning house. Wrapping Christmas gifts. These and other similar activities are great ways to practice serving while generating donations. Even more, working for these opportunities can help build a grateful heart and a good work ethic.
One final note: the first year of fundraising is always the easiest. If your teen decides on a second summer of ETEAM, Truth & Peace, or another similar adventure, expect round two will be more difficult. Plan accordingly. Start earlier. Work harder. The life-changing experiences are definitely worth the effort.
About the Author: Ana Batts is a full-time mother of six children. Her desire is to be an encouragement to other moms striving to raise the next generation to serve God’s Kingdom. She serves alongside her husband Craig, senior pastor at Cross Timbers FWB Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Find more from Ana: shinefwb.com.