June-July 2022
Congregation on Call

Chaplain With Clarity
By Amir Ashoori
Today, many people live in confusion and doubt. They no longer have confidence in leaders, friends, even parents. Young people were once taught important values and truths to anchor them and carry them through life with confidence and conviction. However, truth and loyalty are no longer considered necessary life choices. The culture of this day is simple: live for yourself and follow the loudest voices.
The culture of the world dictates what we do: how to dress, what and whom we listen to, what to wear, what to eat, and what to believe. The problem is there is no longer a clear standard of morality and righteousness instilled in young people. So, they change with the ever-changing culture, and a life of disappointment and confusion becomes the “new normal.”
Simple, righteous living is no longer desirable because the unbelieving world sees serving and loving God as a difficult and restrictive life—not worth the effort. However, because God never changes, individuals who surrender themselves to Him find peace and joy for a lifetime, and confidence that when their lives on this earth are over, they will continue to live in Heaven, forever. He brings clarity to this changing world, a simple life lived serving and loving God because He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
The United States military has its own culture. It dictates how soldiers live, whether officer or enlisted. Starting with bootcamp, the individual is broken down in every regard, and rebuilt into what the military has determined he or she should be. Upon completion, that soldier has become the person the military says is acceptable. The military is unforgiving and unrelenting, and—in its own way—just as confusing as our culture.
The United States military is made up of 221 religions and/or denominations, and the freedom of religion clause (2020) says service members have the right to observe the tenets of their own religion, or to observe no religion at all.
As a chaplain, I often ask myself how I can help soldiers from different faiths without compromising my own faith and becoming as confused as the world. I am reminded of the Scripture in 1 Corinthians 14:33, “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”
I keep it simple. From the beginning of time, God set a standard for how we must live, and man has tried to get around it. God does not bring confusion into the life of His children. Confusion comes into our lives when we compromise the Word of God. That is why we see so many different religions and denominations in the military. Man has always rebelled against God, changing God’s Word to mean something other than what God originally intended. Man has rewritten God’s Word to live a counterfeit version of Christianity, one of his own making.
Jesus said in Matthew 7:14 “Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” If we walk this narrow way as God has instructed, we will walk through that narrow gate. This path is narrow, but it is wide enough for us to walk side by side with God. Walking with God allows Him to teach us how to live, to love what He loves and hate the thing He hates.
And the only thing God hates is sin. Sin brings the wrath of God upon us. We find the ultimate example of God’s wrath when Jesus cried out from the cross: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) On the cross, Jesus took upon Himself the sins of every person who has ever lived or will live. In His death, He took the full weight of God’s hatred of sin, so you and I don’t have to face that wrath. Sadly, many choose to live in selfishness and refuse to repent for the sinful state of their souls. As a result, they will experience God’s wrath.
With these things in mind, my path as a chaplain is clear:
Continue to read and meditate on God’s Word.
Pray without ceasing, asking God for His wisdom.
Look to God who is the Author and finisher of my faith, knowing my faith will someday lead me home to Heaven to be with the Lord my God.
Continue to share the message of salvation, so
others can experience a life of peace, joy, and
About the Author: Chaplain (CPT) Amir Ashoori is in the U.S. Army Reserve in California. Learn more about the chaplaincy: www.fwbnam.com.