March 2011
Lives on Loan:
The Importance of Christian Stewardship

Christ is moving at CrossPointe Free Will Baptist Church...
Celebration at CrossPointe
by David Sexton
Moving Through Volunteers
It has been amazing to see the Lord open doors at CrossPointe. After looking at many buildings, God opened the doors for us to purchase a former funeral home with almost 9,000 square feet of space. The large building, however, required many renovations. New and old converts alike sacrificed their days and evenings to change this building into a place where we can reach “dead” souls by sharing eternal life through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We have seen many precious families come through the doors of CrossPointe, and they now call it their church home. After a community day, free cookouts, and mailing 10,000 postcards, we celebrated our grand opening service on September 28, 2010.

Moving Through First-Time Visitors
In Psalm 34:8, the Psalmist wrote, “O taste and see that the Lord is good.” God brought 202 souls through the doors of CrossPointe for our grand opening service. After much work and prayer, the Lord blessed us with 65 first-time guests and, most important, two salvation decisions. Many of those guests have continued to return since that day. During the two years since its inception,
CrossPointe has welcomed 587 first-time visitors, not including out-of-town guests. During that same time, we have seen 42 souls come to know the Lord! The Lord has truly blessed.

Moving Through the Hearts of Individuals
Someone recently asked, “What has been the greatest blessing since starting CrossPointe?” As I recalled the last two years, it did not take long to reply. It has been a tremendous blessing to see God move in the heart of an atheist who accepted Christ and now believes in the one true God. This man is faithful to serve wherever needed.
Another blessing was seeing God move in the hearts of a young family, a couple with three children, who gave their hearts to Christ. Now, the entire family is faithful and living for God. Yes, my reply was easy.
The greatest blessing is seeing God move through the hearts and souls of people here at CrossPointe. Please ask God to continue to bless the work in Suffolk, Virginia, that CrossPointe will be a place where God continues to move.
About the Writer: David Sexton is a home missionary to Suffolk, Virginia. He and his wife Charity have four children: Austen, Devan, Chassity and Cailey. Learn more about CrossPointe at www.crosspointesuffolk.com.