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March 2024

A Serving Life


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When Disaster Strikes: Answering the Call of Disaster Response

By Ken Akers

The Bible tells us in Mark 13:8 there will be natural disasters in the end times. While I am not necessarily suggesting the end is near, we certainly know it is closer every day.

I jokingly tell people I’m the person they don’t want to see, because, when Master’s Men Disaster Response Teams show up and you see me, something bad has happened.

I won’t go into detail again, as I’ve written about this many times before, but following Hurricane Katrina, I felt our denomination needed an entity to respond to natural disasters. I believed then — and I believe even more strongly now — Master’s Men was the right entity for this ministry.

We began with just an idea. Soon after, we purchased a work truck. Several people and churches donated tools and equipment. And so, Master’s Men Disaster Response Teams began. Since 2005, we have served in 15 states and one foreign country.

Through your generous donations, we also have acquired much-needed equipment and organized Disaster Response Teams (DRT) in several states and regions. We currently have trailers with tools in seven states, with two trucks and a Bobcat skid steer on a trailer. Additionally, we have a Kubota side-by-side, a mobile command center hauler, and a motor home to house volunteers.

While it may sound like a great deal of equipment and tools (and, yes, we have been blessed), we need to continue to expand to better serve hurting communities.

We are often asked what equipment is needed. Consider two important possibilities:

  • Generators to help in areas affected by power outages. This is especially important because many elderly people have medical equipment run by electricity.

  • An additional skid steer. Recently, during simultaneous disasters, we needed this important equipment in Florida and Tennessee at the same time.

We understand not everyone can afford to give money for large pieces of equipment, although some can. However, if several people, a church, or an association came together, perhaps we could meet this need.

We also need more volunteers. Though not everyone can participate as a DRT volunteer due to time constraints or physical ability, many can join a regional team or provide support and supplies to one. What is God asking you to do? How are you stewarding your time, resources, and life to build His Kingdom and show His love?

Consider how God is calling you to partner with Master’s Men DRT and follow His leading…before disaster strikes.

About the Writer: Ken Akers began working with Master’s Men in 2000. In 2002, Ken became director of the department, and in 2015, Master’s Men came under the umbrella of North American Ministries. Master’s Men equips men to serve the Lord, their churches, their families, and one another.

©2024 ONE Magazine, National Association of Free Will Baptists