duct tape and golf carts
by Ron Hunter
Find out more about Randall House Publications and CLEAR Sunday School curriculum at www.randallhouse.com.
What do duct tape and golf carts have in common? The need to seal air conditioning ductwork resulted in the invention of duct tape. But there is not a handy man alive who does not keep at least one roll in his toolbox. Few things cannot be fixed with duct tape. It has been used in so many ways that several years ago someone came out with a calendar called 365 Ways to Use Duct Tape.
Golf carts were invented to carry golfers and their clubs around the course from hole to hole. Now we see them at car dealerships, apartment complexes, colleges, and other places shuttling people around the property.
It is a high compliment to a product when you use it for purposes other than those for which it was originally designed. In business and in nature this practice is most commonly referred to as cross-pollination. Cross-pollination is simply good stewardship. Pastors often implement cross-pollination when they preach, serve as Christian education director, music leader, youth minister, and counselor. Often these skills are born of necessity, although certain individuals can do more than you would expect.

Randall House Publications is also benefiting from cross-pollination. Danny Conn, who was hired to be the director of our Student and Children’s Ministry division, was also hired to be the editorial director. This cross-pollination results from discovering Danny’s diverse talents when searching for our next leader for SCM. One of my long-term goals as director of Randall House is to bring our youth department closer to our regular operations, to give the youth leaders of our denomination greater influence in shaping our product lines. Placing Danny Conn into the editorial department will give SCM more influence, which will result in greater ownership by these key youth leaders. Combining these two roles is cross-pollination—effective as duct tape!
This approach is made possible by Danny’s expertise in strategic logistical coordination. He will use some of the best youth ministers in our ranks to create and shape our future. An advisory council will provide insight and direction. Danny will release some amazing tools for the leaders of youth programs. He is a scholar of God’s Word and a solid editor. He will also implement programs and principles to help both SCM and curriculum development.
God started cross-pollination in nature. We follow His example by carrying elements or talents from one area to assist in another. Welcome aboard Danny Conn, editorial director and director of Student and Children’s Ministries.
About the Writer: Ron Hunter is the executive director of Randall House Publications. He and his family live in Nashville, TN.