March 2011
Lives on Loan:
The Importance of Christian Stewardship

Have you ever watched and waited for water to boil?
Global Warming
by April Tummins
It seems it will never reach the boiling point. Finally, you see a ripple, and then bubbles begin to form. Soon, you have a lively, rolling boil. (If you leave it on the stove too long, it will boil over.)
Turning up the Heat
The World Missions Offering (WMO) is like boiling water. For many years, its temperature held steady. It was warm, waiting to reach the boiling point. In 2006, the introduction of the Change the World coin banks turned up the heat under this proverbial WMO pot. For the first time, the WMO began underwriting Bible institutes around the world, in addition to supporting general operating needs. The WMO grew an unprecedented 80% over the previous year.
Boiling Point
With the promotional help of a newly formed Ambassador team and generous giving, the offering rose another 61% in 2007. This was the first year the WMO raised more than a half-million dollars. The offering began depositing funds into missionary accounts. By 2008, the offering exceeded $582,000 for missions.
The world economy took a nosedive in September 2008. Unemployment rates rose and donations declined at a precipitous rate. With these ingredients added to the pot, the waters that once boiled with fervor returned to a simmer. Decreased income and lack of financial security resulted in an 11% decrease in WMO giving. Drastic measures were taken to keep missionaries on the field, and on the field they stayed—pressing on to tell others about the saving power of Christ. Despite the economic hardship, 2,400 people were saved overseas, and many others were baptized and discipled in 2009.
Turning Up the Heat
When water boils and then returns to a simmering state, it doesn’t take much increase in the heat for the water to boil again. In 2010, FWB International Missions celebrated its 75th anniversary of sending missionaries around the world. This gave birth to the Go10: Walk for the World project. Young and old alike pledged to walk 10 miles or more to raise funds for world evangelism. With the combination of the WMO and Go10 Walk, Free Will Baptists across the country and around the world contributed nearly one million dollars for missions.
As a denomination passionate about reaching the world for Christ, we must continue to give generously to the cause of sharing Christ with the unreached. We must believe we can turn up the heat once again. We must keep the temperature rising on global evangelism and church planting.
When the WMO boils over, missionaries stay on the field, new missionaries are sent, souls are saved, and churches are planted. Your generosity gives others a chance to hear the gospel. Perhaps, when we all get to Heaven and sing around the Father’s throne, converts like Jean Carlo from Brazil and Mika from Japan will have the opportunity to say thank you personally for sending missionaries like Bobby and Geneva Poole and Nathan and Linda Snow—people who shared the Good News with them.
Jesus came to earth to save the lost. This year, World Missions Offering Sunday also happens to be Easter Sunday. Can you think of a better day to stand together and support the Great Commission so that the name of Jesus is declared among all nations? Let’s turn up the heat and warm the globe with the love of Christ.
About the Writer: April Tummins has been a member of the International Missions development team since 2003. Learn more about the World Missions Offering at www.fwbgo.com.