Leader profile
Randy Bryant, Cocoa Beach, FL
A regular column sponsored by Randall House Publications, Leader Profile features a different
Free Will Baptist pastor or leader in each issue.
Contact Danny Conn to nominate a leader.
Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the results are always the same. Leaders influence behavior
and make a difference in other people’s lives. Profiling leaders shows a variety and diverse combination of
traits and characteristics, but impacting lives is always a common theme.
With the average tenure of pastors today, the thought of staying 26 years in the same church may be foreign to many people. Yet serving as pastor at Ryan Wood Fellowship FWB Church in Vero Beach, Florida is only half of Randy’s current duties. He also serves as executive secretary for Florida Free Will Baptists. Randy and his wife Diana have raised two outstanding children.
While his administrative and organizational abilities are evident in his leadership style and meeting planning, he balances these gifts with care and encouragement. When asked what gifts God has given him, he quickly replied, “not singing.” It is Randy’s desire for the people he serves to continue developing a deep passion for ministry that includes the local church and global evangelism.
Now empty nesters, Randy and Dianna maintain a fast paced ministry schedule of serving together. Most do not realize that churches in Florida stretch across a 12-hour drive! Randy should get frequent flyer miles.
About Randy:
Quiet Time Routine: Randy starts out early in the morning with Bible reading and is currently reading through the Old Testament. He then reads from one of four devotional books that he regularly rotates. At the time, he is reading is My Utmost for His Highest. After his reading time, he walks three miles and uses it to pray.
Ideal date: Going to a major league baseball game. They want to get to every stadiums, which is getting harder with the new ones opening.
Favorite Books:
Lords of the Earth, Don Richardson
They Call Me Pastor, H.B. London
Pepper and Salt, Vance Havner
Favorite author: H. B. London
Currently reading: Visioneering, by Andy Stanley and Emotional First Aid, by Edward Moody
One Indulgence: Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (especially when the “Hot Now” sign is lit).
Paper or Plastic Questions
Mountains or Ocean: Ocean
Music or talk radio: talk radio
Coke or Pepsi: Diet Coke
Email or texting: Email
Socks or house shoes: Socks
Mac or PC: PC
In addition to leadership in his church, district, and state, Randy serves as the clerk for the National Association of Free Will Baptists. Holding his CMP (Certified Meeting Professional) certification, he is a respected meeting planner and credentialed member of the RCMA (Religious Conference Management Association).
Randy Bryant you are a great leader!