March 2011
Lives on Loan:
The Importance of Christian Stewardship
Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the
results are the same. Leaders influence behavior and make a difference in people’s lives.
Profiling leaders reveals a diverse combination of traits, but changing lives is a common theme.
Leader Profile
Todd Smith, South Carolina
Very few businesses today model solid Christian values like Chick-fil-A.®
The people who own a Chick-fil-A franchise are called operators.
Todd Smith, an accounting major at Bob Jones University, was being mentored to become an operator and was well on his way. This mentoring was preparing him for customer service, leading people, and a business mindset—not for Chick-fil-A but for full-time ministry. Todd felt God calling him to help people on a deeper spiritual level to impact eternity. In preparation for ministry he earned a B.A. in Bible and an M.A. in Pastoral Theology.
We often use hindsight to see God’s intended purposes for our experiences. Todd Smith’s entire life has been leading up to him being the executive secretary of South Carolina Free Will Baptists. Growing up in North Carolina, his godly parents were very involved in his life. His mom worked at the Christian school he attended, and his dad, who is a deacon, taught him to be a student of the Word and how to win people to Christ.
Today, family continues to be Todd’s priority. His wife Teresa works part time in the South Carolina Free Will Baptist State Office and homeschools their children. Their family enjoys visiting historic places together. Todd and Teresa have always made a yearly vacation with their children a priority. Todd Smith you are a great leader!
Fast Facts About Todd Smith
Who were your early influencers?
Phillip Smith, dad.
Sigbee Dilda, former pastor who is now with the Lord.
Donnie Gates, teen class teacher.
Donnie Miles, youth camp director.
Who is your favorite author?
Kent Hughes
One-word descriptors for his kids:
Victoria (17) Tenderhearted
Cameron (15) Humorous
Hunter (13) Inventive
Quiet Time Habits:
Reads leadership books and does character studies from the Bible.
What are your top three books?
21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell
Solomon Secrets by Robert Jeffress
Scars and Stripes by Eugene McDaniel
Leadership Profile is a regular column sponsored by Randall House Publications that features a different
Free Will Baptist pastor or leader in each issue.
Contact Danny Conn to nominate a leader.