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November 2012

Check Your Vision


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Jeff Goodman


Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the results are the same. Leaders influence behavior and make a difference in people’s lives. Profiling leaders reveals a diverse combination of traits, but changing lives is a common theme.


Leader Profile


Jeff Goodman

It started with this prayer, “God stretch us, make us uncomfortable, and do things so big only You can receive the glory.” Jeff Goodman and Josh Bennett, long-time friends and co-pastors of The Springs Church, a Free Will Baptist church plant in Tucson, Arizona, began praying that while Jeff pastored in Homerville, Georgia. After three months, Jeff decided to stop praying that prayer because God truly had made him uncomfortable. As a result of the prayer, the two families moved 1,900 miles—a long way on one interstate—but God desired their willingness and commitment. Now, amazing experiences occur regularly.

In September 2010, the Goodmans and Bennetts hosted the first Bible study, which included 24 people in their apartment’s clubhouse. Growth was rapid, and after building a core of people they moved to Quail Run Elementary where they launched The Springs Church in August 2011. They reached the mid-40s quickly and soon moved to a new and better location, Rattlesnake Ridge Elementary, where the church now meets on Sunday mornings. Ten months into the life of this new church, The Springs Church runs in the 90s regularly.

Jeff, Josh, and each of their families approach people openly and honestly and do not hide their vulnerability. They know the people they want to reach are neither perfect nor pretentious. Recognizing everyone is a sinner before God creates common ground to reach people who need Christ. Jeff’s ability to talk with absolutely anyone creates friendships everywhere and builds relationships and trust, allowing for a mutual heart connection.

Jeff’s parents, Dick and Betty Goodman, created a home setting to prepare his heart to receive Christ and to follow His plan for his life. At age 16, at Camp Hope in Illinois, Jeff realized he needed to make a personal profession of faith in Jesus and answered the call to preach. God still continues to stretch Jeff daily.

Jeff Goodman, you are a great leader!



Quick Facts About Jeff


Describe an ideal date for you and Heather.

“Sushi and a movie or going to a family-oriented show at the comedic Gaslight theatre in Tucson.”


What are you reading right now?

Sticky Church by Larry Osborne

Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman


What are the top three books you have ever read (other than the Bible)?

Crazy Love by Francis Chan

Autobiography of Peter Cartwright, The Backwoods Preacher by Peter Cartwright 1785-1872

Surprising Insights From the Unchurched and Proven Ways to Reach Them by Thom Rainer


What is the biggest shortcoming in your leadership style?

“I over-talk most everything, but that is no surprise to anybody who knows me.”


What do people misunderstand about you?

“They perceive me as busy or in a hurry, and that reminds me to pause and listen better.”


What is your one indulgence?

“Five Guys Burgers and Fries…anybody who will put A-1 Sauce on my cheeseburger rocks.”


What’s a one-word descriptor for your daughter?

Ava (4) – Clever


Paper or Plastic Questions

Mountains or Ocean? Both

Music or Talk Radio? Music
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

Email or Texting? Texting

Mac or PC? Everything Mac

Socks or house shoes? Bare feet


Leader Profile is a regular feature of ONE Magazine. Learn more at


©2012 ONE Magazine, National Association of Free Will Baptists