September 2019
Homemade Faith

A Heart for Lost Soldiers
By Jonathan Truett
What does it mean to be in the center of God’s will? A wise man once told me, “To hear from God, you have to be in a place spiritually where God can speak to you.” For me, the place where I felt God calling me was at the Truth and Peace Leadership Conference the summer before my junior year of high school. During Truth and Peace, an army chaplain “just happened” to be on the campus of Welch College for the day. Allen Pointer, Truth & Peace director, invited him to speak to us about life as an army chaplain.
Looking back, I know God placed him there for a reason. Little did I know, but that sunny day in July my life changed forever. I experienced a burden I had never felt before. The thought that a soldier, who stares death in the face to keep this nation free, could die and spend eternity in Hell broke my heart. That day, I felt God calling me to become an army chaplain. On Wednesday, July 22, 2015, at the conclusion of the Wednesday evening service of the Free Will Baptist National Convention, I accepted God’s call on my life to the chaplaincy. From that day forward, I knew what God was calling me to do. I had no clue how or when I would get there, but I knew I had to follow God’s call.

Photo: Jonathan with his parents Chris and Kim.
As I began searching, I learned that Welch College once held an agreement with the Vanderbilt University Army ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) program. I called Welch College to see if the agreement with Vanderbilt University was still in place. They told me it had been a long time since anyone participated in that program. I received an email reply the next day, indicating the agreement remained, but participating in ROTC would be very difficult with the relocation of the college.
During my senior year of high school, I traveled to Welch College for a visit. While in the Nashville area, I also met with the ROTC Cadre (training staff) at Vanderbilt University and immediately fell in love with the program. I am currently a second-year cadet in the Vanderbilt Army ROTC while studying pastoral theology at Welch College, and I could not be happier. The Lord is moving in the hearts of some of our cadets. Along with another cadet, I hold a weekly Bible study on Vanderbilt’s campus with our fellow cadets. We average 12 cadets each week, seeking a place to dive into God’s Word. After graduating from Welch College, I plan to pursue a Master of Divinity degree and apply for the Chaplain Candidate Corps. This will be a long journey, but this is where I feel God leading me.
The burden God put in my heart for lost soldiers in July 2015 grows stronger each day.
About the Writer: Jonathan Truett is a pastoral theology student at Welch College and a member of Vanderbilt ROTC. He plans to become an army chaplain when all requirements have been fulfilled.