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The following news items apply to (or affect) the Free Will Baptist denomination scattered across the nation and around the world.To read more about Free Will Baptists and the various departments that make up the national organization, visit

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Read the 2024 Vertical 3 Review



Picirilli Honored With Teacher, Scholar, Shepherd

Nashville, TN—On Sunday morning, June 2, 2024, Phillip T. Morgan and Matthew S. Bracey presented Dr. Robert E. Picirilli with the first copy of Teacher, Scholar, Shepherd: Essays in Honor of Robert E. Picirilli during the morning worship service at Cofer’s Chapel Free Will Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee.

Published through D6 Family Ministry, the book, which had been kept a surprise for Dr. Picirilli, includes over a dozen chapters analyzing and honoring various aspects of his contributions to Free Will Baptists and evangelical scholarship. The four broad sections of the book engage the topics of theology, church history and philosophy, practical theology and biblical studies, and personal tributes.


Morgan and Bracey, who served as the general editors of Teacher, Scholar, Shepherd, explained the book was designed to celebrate Dr. Picirilli’s many contributions to Arminianism, practical theology, biblical studies, Free Will Baptist history, Christian philosophy, and denominational and educational leadership. In addition, they hope each chapter will inspire young scholars to build on the solid foundation Dr. Picirilli has provided in each of these areas of research.

Teacher, Scholar, Shepherd is a great tribute to an amazing man,” notes ONE Magazine editor Eric Thomsen. “For more than six decades, Dr. Picirilli’s work as a theologian, preacher, educator, philosopher, author, historian, and denominational leader has shaped both the face and personality of the denomination. Even a brief glance at Free Will Baptists today reveals the full weight of his work and influence. This volume gives readers a better understanding of Picirilli’s far-reaching influence.”

After receiving a standing ovation, Dr. Picirilli humbly offered his thanks to the contributors of the book. With his characteristic wry wit, he wondered why none of the chapters cover his stamp collecting. At the conclusion of the service, Picirilli was congratulated by family, friends, and guests for the occasion.

Copies of Teacher, Scholar, Shepherd can be purchased through





2025 Nominees Requested

Antioch, TN—The 2024-2025 Nominating Committee, which will serve through the national convention in Kansas City, Missouri, is prepared to receive nominees for the 2025 election, according to Jimmy Lawson, committee chairman.

The committee will consider nominations and compile a report offering a single nomination for each position to be filled. The report will be presented to delegates at the 2025 convention.

The following board and commission positions will be filled in 2025: Free Will Baptist Foundation (3), North American Ministries (3), Board of Retirement (3), Media Commission (1), Commission for Theological Integrity (1), Historical Commission (1), Music Commission (1), General Board (12), Executive Committee (3), General Officers: Moderator and Assistant Clerk.

The following boards do not elect members in 2025: Welch College; Women Nationally Active for Christ; D6 Family Ministry; IM, Inc. Nominations, accompanied by a brief resume, must be submitted exclusively to the chairman on or before October 1.

Download the nomination form at

Contact Nominating Committee Chairman Jimmy Lawson at

© 2024 ONE Magazine, National Association of Free Will Baptists