June-July 2022
Congregation on Call
Welch Features Six Speakers at FORUM22
Guests gathered from across the country at the Forum22 conference at Welch College, March 6–8, according to Welch President Matt Pinson. “We were so pleased with this year’s conference, the first Forum Conference held in two years,” Pinson said. “As always, it was a blessing to enjoy the Ministry of the Word and to visit with old friends.”
Attendees lifted their voices in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; heard from Welch College students in the Rejoice! Ministry Team, the College Choir, the Evangels, and the Instrumental Ensemble; prayed and read Scripture together; and listened to sermons and seminars from six speakers.

Forum22 featured Dr. Harry Reeder, pastor-teacher of Briarwood Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Birmingham, Alabama, and his wife Cindy. New to the Forum conference was Jerry Nunes, bivocational pastor at Iglesia Cristiana Bautista of New York in Yonkers, New York, and senior vice president of MasterCard. Those gathered also heard sermons and seminars by Welch College regulars Dr. Robert E. Picirilli, Dr. Paul Harrison, and Dr. Jesse Owens.
Diverse topics for the conference included progressive Christianity vs. biblical Christianity (H. Reeder), the Ten Commandments (C. Reeder), lessons for church leaders from Paul’s address to the Ephesian elders (Picirilli), navigating the digital life biblically (Nunes), what we can learn from Jonathan Edwards (Harrison) and “Rest for the Weary” from Matthew 11:25–30 (Owens).
Sermons can be found at facebook.com/WelchCollege.

Welch Athletics Honored
Welch College Athletic Director Greg Fawbush recently announced several awards from the 2021-2022 basketball season.
Lady Flames basketball coach Katie Bryan (pictured, above)was named “Coach of the Year” for the Mid-East region.
Abby Bragg was named to the All-American team and “Player of the Year” for the Mid-East region. Abby averaged 20 points per game with a game high of 26 points.
Abby Bragg and Spencer Smith were named “Players of
the Week” for the NCCAA DII during the season, while
Maci Bowman, Emma Wall, Madison Carnes, Spencer Smith, Marlon Mitchell, and J.C. Chapman also received all-region honors.