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September 2024

The Nations
Next Door


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Free Will Baptist North American Ministries (NAM) is dedicated to planting churches across America as well as Canada, Mexico, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Chaplains minister to thousands of men and women in the Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guard, and Reserve forces. Cross cultural church planting specialists connect with people who have come to America from all over the world. Learn more about our ministry:

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NorthPoint West Seneca Launches

West Seneca, NY—After a year of renovations and property planning, NorthPoint West Seneca, a sister plant of former NAM church plant NorthPoint Depew in Buffalo, New York, met for its first services Easter weekend. The first official service was Good Friday, and the Depew campus joined the new congregation to celebrate.



On Saturday, NorthPoint Depew hosted its first community event, an Easter egg hunt, and 46 kids participated. Their Easter Sunday gathering saw 40 in attendance. Preview services continued throughout the spring, and the church
officially launched June 16. Pray for the Elliotts and their team as they continue following the Lord and building toward the future of NorthPoint West Seneca.



Christopher and Ashly Littlecreek to Plant New Church in San Diego, CA

San Diego, CA—We are happy to announce Christopher and Ashly Littlecreek have been approved to serve as new NAM church planters in the greater San Diego, California, area. Originally from California, the Littlecreeks spent the last five years serving as missionaries in the Czech Republic and have three adult children.



Currently, they are completing a one-year church planting residency with City Lights Church (Amos and Melissa Dillard) allowing them to transition back to life in the States, develop new church planting skills, fundraise, and grow a healthy launch team. After completing their residency, they will launch a church plant of their own in San Diego.

California is among the most influential and diverse states in the nation. The San Diego area itself is home to over 1.3 million people from vastly varied cultural backgrounds, life experiences, and religious beliefs. This makes it a perfect place to cultivate passionate disciples who will then disciple others in their local communities and throughout the world.

We are excited about these opportunities for the Littlecreeks and the team at City Lights Church. Pray this team will grow the Kingdom in a rich way.



FWB Chaplain Deilus to Serve Department of Veterans Affairs

Richmond, VA—CH (1LT) Elliott Deilus, a Free Will Baptist chaplain with the U.S. Army Reserve since 2023, recently accepted a position as a full-time staff chaplain at the Richmond, Virginia, Veterans Affairs Hospital. His position with the VA will allow him to serve military veterans and their families during challenging circumstances where the comfort and hope of Christ are much needed.


CH Deilus has also been accepted into the Hopewell City Police Department as a police chaplain, allowing him to minister to the officers and citizens of his community. He and his wife Jacqueline have two children: Elliott II and Julianna.



Church Planter Boot Camp Builds Solid Foundations

Antioch, TN—Thirteen of NAM’s newest church planters, seasoned planters, and several guest teachers met in office and online during a recent Church Planter Boot Camp.



This specialized training is just one of the many ways NAM assists new planters in laying a solid ministry foundation early in the church planting process.



Master’s Men Generation S: Building a Generation of Servants

Ewing, IL—The premier Generation S event was held May 11 at Camp Hope in Ewing, Illinois. The conference was a great success, with 15 attendees representing four churches.



Generation S conferences seek to equip young men with life skills that can be used to serve their churches and communities. In a day where many young men may not have the access or opportunity to learn these skills, Master’s Men wants to help educate them about the fundamentals of carpentry, gun awareness and safety, auto repair and maintenance, healthy relationships, and much more.

Director Ken Akers notes, “We are using local men to teach these classes who are skilled and knowledgeable in each of these areas. It’s a great time of mentoring and connecting across generational lines.”

If your state association or church would like to host a Generation S event, please contact Ken Akers at

©2024 ONE Magazine, National Association of Free Will Baptists