March 2025
Revolutionary Obedience
news in publication
Known for the D6 Conference and D6 Curriculum, D6 Family Ministry helps lead the family ministry conversation through events, opportunities and resources to help you do generational discipleship at church and at home. For more information, visit D6Family.com.

Hunter Elected to PCPA Board
Nashville, TN — Ron Hunter Jr., Ph.D. (pictured below) has been elected for an unprecedented second term as an officer of the Protestant Church-owned Publishers Association (PCPA), an organization of 30 denominational publishers and 12 affiliate members in printing and vendor services.
After the departure of the acting president and vice president, Dr. Hunter was invited to return as vice president to provide stability and guidance. He previously served as vice president (2014-2016) and as president (2016-2018). Positions are elected by and from peer CEOs gathered from all denominational publishers.

“The current climate calls for someone of Ron’s experience and leadership, and re-electing him will allow him to serve two years as vice president before returning to the role of the president, giving him four years to help lead the organization,” stated PCPA Executive Director Beth Lewis.
The roles are voluntary and include leading the annual meeting of CEOs at the spring conference featuring industry trends and training.

2024 D6 Family Ministry Highlights
D6 Family Ministry won eight printing and design awards from Printing Industry Association of the South (PIAS), including two best-in-category recognitions, and six Evangelical Press Association awards for excellence in content and design.
All Randall House New Testament Commentaries are now available on Logos Bible software, bringing our tally on the digital platform to 32 titles.
D6 Family Ministry launched two new conferences in 2024: D6 Northwest in Seattle, Washington, and D6 Thailand. With six physical conferences each year and one online (D6 Asia), we now connect with leaders from 19 countries and nearly 2,000 churches — a significant global impact for less than $20,000 annually.
D6 HomePoint, our biggest acquisition of 2024, offers families resources like topical checkups, devotionals, and books to address real-life pain points.
The D6 Podcast celebrated eight years of sharing leading voices in family ministry and church leadership.
D6 Hero donors increased by 84% this year. Donations support military chaplains and church plants with free and discounted resources, international discipleship and book translation projects, youth training and leadership programs, and more.
Every accomplishment is a testament to God’s provision and your unwavering support. We’re equipping families and churches worldwide to make disciples and transform generations.
Biblical Theology
of Youth Ministry
to Be Translated
Nashville, TN — A license has been issued to translate A Biblical Theology of Youth Ministry into two dialects of Bahasa (Malay and Indonesian), according to Ron Hunter, CEO of D6 Family Ministry.
The new translation will bring the tally of D6 Family Ministry titles to 80 translations of 35 unique titles into 20 languages.
