June-July 2020
Heart of the Storm
news in publication
Randall House is a Christian publisher dedicated to promoting the cause of Christ and serving the Church through the development and distribution of Bible-based curriculum and quality Christian products. To learn more about Randall House, or to place an order visit www.randallhouse.com.

Randall House Announces Personnel Adjustments
Nashville, TN—Randall House made some key personnel adjustments in late 2019 and early 2020, according to Director Ron Hunter. He noted, “As a leading voice within the Body of Christ on discipleship, through growth in other areas, we had divided our focus, efforts, and promotional dollars. We are shifting back to emphasizing our goal of providing the most engaging and easy-to-use discipleship curriculum for your classes, Sunday Schools, and small groups. You will hear more in the coming days about the details of D6 EveryDay Curriculum.”

Randall House moved Katie Greenwood to the position of acting director of curriculum. She has been a senior editor and critical architect and developer on previous curriculum initiatives. She will lead the team as they launch the next wave of D6 Curriculum to be released this fall. In addition to being part of the Randall House leadership team and directing the curriculum editorial team, Katie also will serve as one of three acquisition editors for the Randall House book division.
Dr. Danny Conn has shifted to the position of director of editorial and strategic projects, which means he will direct all intellectual property other than curriculum. He will split his time between supporting curriculum development and other editorial projects. In addition to providing insight as primary theologian and church history resource, Dr. Conn also serves as the academic editor, one of three book acquisitions editors, international editorial liaison for all translated products (including curriculum), CTS Guidelines expert, breakout leader for Vertical Three and D6 Conference, and ONE Magazine representative.
Thank you for joining Randall House in prayer as we navigate this new season. We are excited about all God has in store for us as we serve our denomination.
D6 EveryDay Curriculum Set to Launch
With the goal of making discipleship an everyday experience for all ages, Randall House is releasing D6 EveryDay, the very best interactions of church and home.
D6 EveryDay is designed to help parents communicate the time-tested truths of God’s Word. “We took everything we learned from the past 16 years of producing the best family ministry curriculum and produced an even better generational discipleship experience for both the church and home,” says Dr. Ron Hunter.

D6 EveryDay (available July 10) takes principles and promises from Deuteronomy 6 and puts them into an easy-to-use curriculum designed to support generational discipleship.
D6 EveryDay comes alongside every generation to facilitate spiritual growth, instill a hunger for truth, and provide the tools to thrive and grow in the midst of a cynical generation.
It introduces discipleship tools, emphasizes daily discipleship, tells the story of the Bible, addresses apologetics naturally, encourages biblical literacy, facilitates Bible engagement, instills a biblical worldview, and emphasizes generational discipleship. “We take those biblical principles of discipleship to a whole new level of engagement,” says Hunter.