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September 2024

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IM serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America so unreached peoples can know the joy of a relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of IM, visit

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Board Meets to "Continue the Mission" of IM

Antioch, TN—On April 29-30, 2024, the IM board met, Embracing the Legacy and Continuing the Mission. To continue the mission, the board appointed new missionaries to three fields of work:

  • After a successful two-year internship with Hope Alive in Tokyo, Japan, Abby Walker was approved as a career missionary.

  • Billy and Sunni Champion from Folkston, Georgia, were appointed as interns to work alongside missionaries at the Good News Chapel in Tokyo, Japan.

  • Tim and Loren joined IM as commissioned missionaries, seconded to Here to There. The couple works with unreached people groups in Los Angeles, California.

  • Faith, a native of Gallatin, Tennessee, was appointed as a field worker joining the team in southern France. She married Jacob on May 4.

“Interestingly, each of this year’s appointees,” stated Curt Holland, director of field ministry personnel, “was part of a short-term experience, rubbing shoulders with those who gave us our legacy. Now, they are ready to help us continue the mission.”

The board approved IMpact Projects for the University of Illinois, Japan, Bulgaria, Ivory Coast, and Pakistan.

David Brown, director of Free Will Baptist Foundation, presented a $211,000 check to the board for grants for various ministry projects.

The board adopted a 2025 framework budget of $10.6 million while acknowledging an ongoing need to fully fund the General Fund. The IM General Fund experienced sizable shortfalls during the last 12 months. Rob Conley, director of financial operations, confirmed, “We are praying for immediate additional funding, while making ongoing expenditure reduction efforts.”

General Director Clint Morgan presented the IM board with a retirement letter from Donnie McDonald. Morgan affirmed, “Donnie served 38 years as a missionary and field leader in Japan and two years on special assignment in the States. He diligently worked with Curt Holland over the past year processing applications and assisting with member care. We sincerely appreciate Donnie’s humble service and willing spirit.”

The board also received and approved a statement by Director Morgan releasing Jerry and Barbara Gibbs from their special assignment and work with the Mission. The Go Global program will still be available to states, associations, and churches that cover all expenses for the Gibbs and missionaries who assist in the program. Don Matchett, director of development, stated, “Jerry and Barbara, the founders of Go Global, embarked on a mission to spread God’s global purpose to churches. Their efforts have left a profound impact on numerous churches over the years.”

The board approved a letter of missionary resignation from field service in Brazil from Dr. Kenneth and Rejane Eagleton. Dr. Eagleton continues as the IM director of global partnerships.

The board recognized those who contribute to IM’s ministry through their service on the board. Jan Banks resigned her board position due to health issues preventing consistent involvement. Mark Price, who has served as board secretary with meticulous minutes and enthusiasm, concludes 13 years of service in July. The board selected Darren Walker as secretary. Due to increased work demands, Jeff Nichols asked to not be considered for the chairman’s position. The board selected Rodney Yerby as chairman and Will Harmon as vice-chairman. Rodney stated, “I enjoy working alongside these incredible people who have contributed to IM in unique ways.”

Join IM in thanking God for those who pioneered IM’s legacy. Continue the Mission by partnering with IM, giving generously to the General Fund, and sending new missionaries into the harvest.



CMP Serves India

Antioch, TN—Kenneth Eagleton led a CMP (College Missions Program) team to India May 30-June 12. The five-student team helped IM partners with children's camps in two locations.

Over 180 children, most from Hindu families, attended in the first location. In the second location, 50-plus children participated, but just as many parents and adults attended.

Despite the 100° weather and “feels like” temps of up to 130°, things went well. Children memorized Bible verses, sang Christian songs in several languages, listened to a Bible lesson, drew and painted pictures reinforcing the Bible story, and played games. By the end of the week, some Hindu parents came to see what was going on, entering a Christian church for the first time.


Kenneth declared, “The students did amazingly well, despite the challenges of the heat, different foods, brief illnesses, etc. They connected with the children despite the language barrier. Each day they took turns giving the Bible lesson. They also taught the children several songs in English.”
The team participated in worship and Sunday Schools on two Sundays with local churches. Kenneth preached on both Sundays.

The students observed Hindu idol worship in temples and shrines, visited local places of interest, and tasted a variety of Indian cuisine. “I pray they left with a greater burden for the unreached and find their place in taking the gospel to the nations,” Kenneth stated. “I pray the Lord calls at least one of them into full-time cross-cultural missions.”


©2024 ONE Magazine, National Association of Free Will Baptists