March 2025
Revolutionary Obedience

news around the world
IM serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of IM, visit www.IMINC.org

Three Legacy Missionaries Pass to Life Eternal
Antioch, TN — The denomination and IM family lost three legacy missionaries in recent months.
September 2, 2024, Dave Franks, Sr. went to be with the Lord at age 91. The first Free Will Baptist missionary to Brazil, Franks was appointed as a single missionary October 9, 1957. He arrived in Brazil January 1, 1958, and soon began language school in Campinas, São Paulo. During his first furlough, the Alabama native met Patricia Sturgill, a registered nurse.
He returned to Brazil in 1963, a newly married man. The couple continued in Campinas while Pat attended language school. Dave’s work in Brazil spanned 43 years, the addition of three children (Suzanne, Dave Jr., and Regina), and service in at least six cities. He taught in Bible institutes, public schools, camps, and Vacation Bible Schools. He hosted a radio program, planted churches, and served as field chairman multiple times.
The couple retired in 2000 and lived and served in Alabama. Mt. Olive FWB Church in Guin, Alabama, hosted his funeral.

After several years of declining health, former missionary to Brazil Florine Faulkner Coscia died October 19, 2024, at age 89. A North Carolina native, she was born January 1, 1935. She wed Louis Coscia in September 1963, and they were appointed to work in Brazil a month later.
Following language school, the couple moved to Pirassununga, São Paulo, in 1965 to help develop an infant church begun by colleagues.
The couple spent most of their time engaged in church-planting ministry in Uberaba, Minas Gerais. Home to Brazil’s leading spiritist medium, they penetrated the darkness of satanic opposition and demon possession. Working diligently, they continued there with Florine ministering primarily to women and children.
Exhausted by the constant spiritual battle, they left the field in 1992, after 18 years of faithful service. Louis preceded Florine in death. A celebration of Mrs. Florine’s life was held in Asheville, North Carolina.
Jerry Pinkerton, former missionary to Ivory Coast, died October 20, 2024, after a time of illness. Appointed as missionaries to Côte d’Ivoire in 1971, Jerry and his wife Carol retired after 38 years of service. Wherever they were needed, they went — often tackling assignments outside their comfort zone. Jerry preached in villages, and he and Carol served as dorm parents to high school boys. He taught at the Bible institute in Bouna, built up faltering churches, and maintained equipment and buildings in Doropo, allowing medical personnel to focus on their craft.
Pinkerton shared the gospel with anyone who would listen — even gun-brandishing car hijackers. He discipled believers and trained leaders. Their last ten years were spent in Abidjan, even though they loved the bush country. Working with another missionary couple and Ivorian leaders, they planted three churches in the metropolis. They saw Ivorian pastors installed, and the churches become fully autonomous and ready to multiply.
Upon their retirement, Jerry pastored in Mountain Grove, Missouri, and served as a WMO ambassador for several years. When Jerry’s health declined, the couple moved to Arizona to live with son Jerry, Jr. and his family, where they remained until Jerry entered his eternal home.
IM Board Meets in December
Antioch, TN — December 11, 2024, the IM Board met at the National Office Building in Antioch, Tennessee. Two board members began their tenures with this meeting: Paul Etterling (OH) and Chris Todd (OK). They joined Rodney Yerby (chair; AL), Will Harmon (AR), Darren Walker (NC), Casey Cariker (OK), Rick Cason (NC), Cameron Lane (AR), and Jeff Nichols (TN).
The board accepted the resignations of Reese and Charity (partners), Bryson Foulks, and Callie Stox Lydic. Director of Field Ministry Personnel Curt Holland remarked, “Life cycles are all around us. The Lord calls workers into the harvest fields. At times, the Lord also directs His servants to take different paths in ministry.”
The board discussed the challenges of the general fund and solutions for adequate funding. The general fund plays a key role in supporting the entire mission of IM. It funds recruiting, vetting, training, and onboarding for missionaries. It also funds student ministries, short-term mission trips, partner ministries, necessary personnel infrastructure, and more. Don Matchett, director of development, observed, “A healthy general fund is vital for a healthy mission. While the general fund may not directly deliver the gospel message, it exists to support the gospel message. We need individuals and churches to partner with monthly gifts to IM for sustainable income.”

The Board adopted a 2025 total budget of $17.1 million, which includes operational ministries and personnel as well as IMpact, THP, and special projects. Blankenship CPA Group was appointed to perform the 2024 audit.
Presiding over his first meeting as chairman, Rodney Yerby surmised, “I am both amazed and humbled by the work God is doing around the world through IM. He continues to call Free Will Baptists to missions, and our people are responding. We continue to expand our partnerships with like-minded believers around the world, many in areas where western missionaries simply cannot go. I am excited about the future of IM!”
IM Board Vice-Chairman Will Harmon sparked great joy when he announced his church, Cavanaugh FWB Church in Fort Smith, Arkansas, received an offering of $112,687 for the 2024 World Missions Offering. General Director Clint Morgan gratefully accepted the giant check Harmon presented.
Morgan encouraged other churches and individuals, “Partner with IM in prayer for the challenges of the general fund. Praise God for those who faithfully serve on our mission fields. Participate in giving, so others can share the truths of the gospel with people around the world.”
WMO 2025 Theme Revealed
Antioch, TN — According to Kristi Johnson, development communications manager, “The 2024 WMO theme embraced IM’s legacy and looked forward to God’s continued work through Free Will Baptists. We invite you to Continue the Mission this year as we partner together to strengthen the impact of our partnerships, missionaries, and the general fund.”

Kristi stressed three ways individuals, groups, and churches can Continue the Mission:
Partner: learn more about the ministry of IM and join in the mission at www.iminc.org
Pray: lift missionaries and partners in prayer as they minister in difficult places;
Give: make a commitment to give to the WMO, either with a one-time gift or a monthly donation. Gifts are accepted online at www.iminc.org/wmo or by mail at IM, Inc. (WMO), PO Box 5002, Antioch, TN, 37011.
Every partnership, every missionary, and every aspect of the general fund helps IM labor with the Body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission. It’s about the gospel.