Awaken: 2011 National Youth Conference
What does it take to change the world? Maybe you think that is not possible. Then what about changing your state? Your city? Your school? Your church? Still too much? Then what about changing you?
If you could change one thing about what you do or think, what would it be? What would your world look like if that one thing were different? What steps are within your power to start moving that way?
That is what it takes to change the world—imagining it being different, then taking steps to make it happen. It’s up to you. Fortunately, you are not dependent on your own power. God provides the power through faith in Jesus Christ. It’s time for Christians to wake up and do something to change the world.
Each summer, thousands of Free Will Baptist teens from across the nation gather for the National Youth Conference, a three-day event held in conjunction with the National Association of Free Will Baptists. This year's conference will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina, July 17-20, 2011. The conference will feature worship services designed for children and teens, outreach events, fast-paced competitive activities, workshops, games, and much more. Visit www.fwbnyc.com.
NYC Schedule
National Youth Conference |
July 17-20 – Charlotte, NC
10:00 – 10:45 Bible Study
11:00 – Noon Morning Worship
4:00 – Reach That Guy Service Project Orientation
7:00 – 8:30 Evening Worship
9:00 – 10:00 NYC Judges Reception
8:00 – 9:00 Reach That Guy Service Project Orientation
8:00 – 5:00 Reach That Guy Service Projects
8:30 – 4:00 NYC Competitive Activities
9:00 – 11:00 Administration of Youth Ministry*
1:00 – 1:45 First Aid for Parents of Children With Emotional Disorders
7:00 – 8:30 Evening Worship
9:00 – 10:00 YET Program
9:00 – 10:30 FWB 21 Panel
9:00 – 11:00 E-TEAM Reunion
8:00 – 9:30 Family Ministry in the Free Will Baptist Church –
An Ancient Strategy Revisited
8:30 – 4:00 NYC Competitive Activities
8:00 – 5:00 Reach That Guy Service Projects
11:00 – 11:45 First Aid for Parents of Children Entangled in Addictive Behavior
1:00 – 1:45 First Aid for Parents of Children With Learning Problems
7:00 – 8:30 Evening Worship
9:30 – 10:30 NYC Showcase
8:00 – 11:00 Bible Competition Finals
8:00 – 5:00 Reach That Guy Service Projects
10:00 – 4:00 Reach That Guy Blood Drive
1:00 – 1:45 Truth & Peace Alumni Meeting
1:00 – 4:00 GPS-X - Cross-Cultural Experience [not confirmed]
6:45 – 8:45 Combined Worship
9:00 – 11:00 NYC Awards Ceremony
*WNAC Adjusts Convention Schedule on Monday
WNAC Executive Director Elizabeth Hodges recently announced a change to the WNAC Convention schedule. To avoid conflicts with NYC competitive events, WNAC will have no activities on Monday, July 18. Meetings begin at 8 am, Tuesday, July 19. Four distinct sessions with scheduled breaks between each segment allow women to come and go as needed. We pray these changes will better meet the needs of women with vested interestes in children involved in NYC activities. The WNAC meeting room and NYC competition rooms lie in close proximity within the convention center. This should also expedite traveling between the two confereces.
Reach That Guy
Make a difference in someone's life this year at the National Youth Conference. Get involved with Reach That Guy. Come prepared to work in various service projects for non-profit agencies in Charlotte, North CArolina. Contact Reach That Guy Coordinator Darin Gibbs at darin@reachthatguy.com, go to www.reachthatguy.com, or visit the RTG booth at the youth conference.
This year, the youth and youth workers attending the National Youth Conference will volunteer over 3,000 hours of community service in the Charlotte area through local non-profit agencies. You can be involved in changing someone’s world.
Here is a partial list of the opportunities you will have to serve others:
• Red Cross Blood Drive
• Charlotte Rescue Mission
• Crisis Assistance Ministries
• Nexus Church
• The Harvest Center
• Jackson Park Ministries
• Urban Ministry Center
• Hope Cancer Ministries
• Kidney Foundation
• Cup Ministry
• Hoskins Park Ministry
• Cooperative Christian Ministry
• Goodwill
• Samaritan’s Feet
• United Cerebral Palsy
• Second Harvest Food Bank
2011 Youth Evangelistic Team
Each year a dozen high school students are selected from the top-scoring entries of the National Youth Conference Music and Arts Festival to form the Youth Evangelistic Team. The team receives intensive training in servant-ministry and practical experience in a variety of ministry settings during a two-week tour during the summer. The Team will also lead the NYC teen worship service in Charlotte, North Carolina next July.
Congratulations to 2011 YET members:
Maggie Barnett (AR)
Joel Williams (MO)
Elizabeth Snow (TN)
Tyler Heflin (MO)
Andrew Pierce (MS)
Rachel Ayers (AL)
Matthew Berry (FL)
Kristin Trussell (FL)
Dustin Patton (WV)
Mary Kathryn Ayers (AL)
Taylor McClure (WV)
Daniel Snow (Japan)
Truth & Peace Leadership Conference
The Truth and Peace Leadership Conference features 14 days of intensive leadership training for select high school students. These students then become the student staff of the National Youth Conference. They are challenged to take the principles learned through this experience and put them into practice in their home churches.
Truth and Peace alumni serve in ministry around the world. If you want a challenge that will equip you to be a more effective leader in ministry, check out Truth & Peace. Go to www.register-tp.com.
Revised Competition Guidelines
The Competition Guidelines for National Youth Conference competitive activities has been revised for 2011. New events have been added, and changes have been made. Be sure to purchase your copy of the revised Competition Guidelines. Order online: www.randallhouse.com or call 800-877-7030.

2011 Bible Competition Study Pack CD
The Bible Competition Study Pack CD includes everything that is needed to study for Bible competition events, except a Bible. Every age group, every event is in one handy resource. Print as many copies as is needed for every student in the church. You can even make reprints when the study material becomes worn out or lost. Students who participate in the complete Bible competition program will have studied approximately 90% of the entire Bible. Order today: www.randallhouse.com or call 800-877-7030.
Buck-a-Week: What are you doing to change your world?
With only a dollar a week, you can help share the gospel around the world. Set aside a buck a week for missions then bring the money with you to the conference. Just one dollar a week can make a world of difference.
2011 Buck-a-Week projects include the Gwen Hendrix Hispanic Bible Institute in Inman, South Carolina and discipleship materials for Bulgaria.
