June-July 2020
Heart of the Storm

Three women share the amazing story of God at work in Ivory Coast...
Only God!
Compiled by Elizabeth Hodges
Madame Solange, Director, Women of Good News: Since 2008, the Women of the Good News in Ivory Coast have joined their hearts and combined their strength and means to achieve a sustainable project. Each woman regularly put money aside in a “Jesus money box” for the project, agreeing to mobilize their five loaves and two fish. God multiplied and blessed their sacrifice, and they raised more than 15% of the budget. As we give an overview of the stages of this project, we apply 2 Corinthians 5:7: “We walk by faith and not by sight.” The Women of the Good News purchased two lots December 1, 2014, in Bondoukou, the central location of our churches.
Elizabeth Hodges, Director, WNAC: Upon arriving in Bondoukou, my heart flowed out of my eyes. I had seen the lots and the rough beginning of the buildings during a previous trip. I followed the building process through Madame Solange’s pictures and knew of the difficulties encountered along the construction journey. Still, nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. I could only say to my Ivorian sisters, “God did this!” It was immediately obvious, even to my untrained eye, that women could not have accomplished this. Only God! A dream had become reality one brick at a time. I could only imagine how our Ivorian sisters would feel when they arrived on Friday morning.
Madame Solange: Special thanks belong to our glorious, powerful God. He is the One who deserves all glory and honor. We pay tribute to Him because He is the One who solved all the problems throughout the stages of this project. We were told it was impossible, very daring for us women to carry out such a project. But God owns the gold and the agent. If He places a desire in our hearts for any service to His glory, He certainly will open the path before us to accomplish that service. If it is really His work that occupies our minds, He will enable us to do it, by His own means and at the time of His choosing. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Elizabeth Hodges: In 2017, while visiting the United States, Madame Solange visited Cumberland Camp in Middle Tennessee. Seeing the bunk beds “solved” her problem of maximizing space for the girls seeking safe shelter at the women’s center. Madame Solange took a picture and had the beds built in Côte d’Ivoire.
Lynette Morgan, Veteran Missionary to Ivory Coast: Thank you for praying for the THP team who went to Côte
d’Ivoire a week early to help finish painting the women’s center, and for praying for the nine of us who joined them for the dedication of the center. God gave us strength, stamina, and everything needed to help them get ready. Then he gave us strength for a day and a half of camp where Elizabeth and I were the speakers.
Elizabeth Hodges: The ladies attending the 2020 Women’s Camp were housed at the church in Bondoukou. Dinner on Thursday, March 5, had been prepared for the ladies, followed by an evening service. What a special time to reunite with women I previously met in 2016 and 2017. How thankful to be together and celebrate this historic occasion.
When my turn to speak to the ladies came the next morning, I began by presenting Madame Solange with a book of congratulatory letters from retired Ivorian women missionaries. Each was written in French, with their picture from Into the Darkness at the bottom of the page. If a personal email was sent to me, I included it in Madame Solange’s personal copy. I told my listeners that these former missionaries were in America, but their spirits were in Côte d’Ivoire. Each member of the bureau (board) received a copy as well. (picture)
I am convinced the women’s center will be to the Ivorian women what the 12 stones of remembrance became for the Israelites (Joshua 4:6-7). As questions are asked, the story of God’s hand of blessing will be shared again and again. May all who hear the story give praise to Him and Him alone.
Madame Solange: He was the one who led us day and night, even during times of oppression. Words and time are insufficient to share all that God has done. May all who use these buildings give glory to our God.

Elizabeth Hodges: Madame Solange planned three service projects for Friday afternoon: visit the local prison, visit a maternity ward, and evangelize in the community. At the prison we shared gifts with the inmates: a meal and soap (above, with the warden), two things that would directly impact them. The ladies purchased the food specially prepared that day and soap for the showers.
When we visited the maternity ward at the hospital, part of the team cleaned the public areas. A smaller number went to visit patients, share gifts, and evangelize. We shared a gift with a Muslim lady and prayed with several ladies who were sick or having difficulty delivering. In the last room, we visited a new mother, only 16 years old. As Madame Solange shared the gospel the young mother responded, “I want to have Jesus in my heart right now!” Our visit was a blessed experience!
Most of the ladies took part in the evangelization effort in the communities within walking distance of the center. Because of transportation and protocols, the national and regional leadership of Women of the Good News visited the prison and the maternity ward.
Lynette Morgan: Saturday, March 7, was a packed day, with a parade (only an hour and a half late in starting according to true African time), followed by the dedication ceremony, with speeches, a sermon from Clint Morgan (director of IM), presentations, ribbon cutting, gifts for the Ivorians, an enormous meal for the thousand-plus attendees, and gifts for all the visitors. It was a packed, non-stop, tiring day in hot weather, but it was so good.

Elizabeth Hodges: Many governmental, regional, and religious dignitaries were there to share in the historic dedication ceremony. The picture of the pastors seated on the right side (above) is special to me. I am grateful for these men, who lead Free Will Baptist churches and are products of the Free Will Baptist Bible Institute in Bouna. This is a snapshot of the mission of IM: to prepare national believers to lead their churches and associations. WNAC is grateful to share a part by investing in their education and supporting our missionaries over the years.
Lynette Morgan: The ceremony was broadcast on the Ivorian television five different times. The entire country saw and heard what God has done for the women of the Free Will Baptist churches in Côte d’Ivoire!
Elizabeth Hodges: When Lynette and Clint Morgan, David Brown (director of Free Will Baptist Foundation), and I were interviewed, the questions were similar. The one I found most difficult to answer was how I felt about the building being named after Lynette and me. I answered simply that it was humbling, since God uses ordinary people to accomplish His extraordinary work.
When asked what I wanted the community to remember about the day and historic event, I responded that only God could have accomplished such a project. As the girls live in the center and receive an education, as people come for retreats and camps, and as the Ivorian churches use the facility, may it be a constant reminder God blesses courageous, obedient faith.
Courageous and obedient describes the faith of our Ivorian sisters as they worked toward completing this project since 2008. They had no clue their American sisters would catch their dream and passion and respond by raising money to help. The Free Will Baptist Foundation grants did not even become available for application until 2016, and Madame Solange did not hear about them until 2017. The Women of the Good News had received two $50,000 grants, one in 2018 and one in 2019. A video captured at the moment when Madame Solange learned the first grant was accepted by the FWB Foundation reveals her deep gratitude. She sank to her knees, as over and over she praises Jesus and expresses her thanks to God.
God blessed their efforts to minister to these girls and the Ivorian Association as a whole. It was not easy, but these Ivorian ladies remained faithful. Today, the center stands as a testament to God’s faithfulness and blessing.
Madame Solange did a great job of organizing the dedication event, with close attention to detail. She secured a bus to help transport the American delegation, her bureau members, and the ladies in general. Thursday night’s meal was provided for attendees as they arrived, and on Friday ladies sold food items for the attendees to purchase.

Police were secured for Saturday’s event due to the large number of attendees. The booklet given to dignitaries on Saturday chronicled the day’s activities and the history of the center. Madame Solange also arranged for all attendees on Saturday to eat lunch at the center. She hired five women to prepare the food (above) under the supervision of one of her bureau members. They carried out an orderly plan of serving everyone present. The meal was not chaotic at all, nor was the gift distribution on Friday.
Madame Solange has been very intentional to give glory to God throughout this process. From its inception, the vision for the center has been broad. Certainly, the center will benefit girls who need safe housing while pursuing an education. However, the vision for this facility is much larger and could benefit the entire Ivorian association. I am confident God will bring that to pass in the years to come.
My heart was blessed over and over as the Ivorian ladies lifted their hearts in praise. Though I could not understand the lyrics, I could praise alongside them. On Thursday night, they sang the theme chorus from the 2016 retreat, which I had attended. What a sweet gesture on their part and a wonderful memory for me. I love the way various groups led worship, giving them “ownership” in the event.
As I think back on this experience, I am challenged, convicted, and excited. Challenged by the Ivorian’s ability to do so much with so little. Life is hard—just plain hard. Convicted by their loyalty and dedication. Sometimes, it seems we who have been blessed with so much, do so much less. Excited for what God has done with and for them, and for what the future holds for these precious sisters and the ministry of the center.
Madame Solange: We praise God that the ministry of the center is now ready to launch. Please pray with us that the Lord will raise up the right woman to live at the center and to minister to the ladies who wish to be housed there while away from their villages attending high school in the town of Bondoukou. Continue to pray for Madame Kamibré, as there are still important decisions to be made and the final touches put on
the center.
Elizabeth Hodges: To God be the glory, great things He has done, is doing, and will continue to do in Côte d’Ivoire.
About the Writer: Elizabeth Hodges is director of WNAC,
overseeing all ministries and office operations. Contact
Elizabeth: elizabeth@nafwb.org.