March 2011
Lives on Loan:
The Importance of Christian Stewardship

Young mission churches often struggle to secure a loan from a lending institution.
Practical Stewardship at Home Missions North America
by Larry Powell
We hear about a new crisis during
every news broadcast these days: Drug wars killing thousands on the southern border, oil spewing into gulf waters, and violent storms wrecking thousands of homes. Headlines feature two major wars, government corruption, and immigration issues that simply will not go away. We are experiencing the pain caused by the Great Recession. Foreclosures on home mortgages have reached an all-time high. Banks are closing, and the government is drowning in debt.
Yet, in the midst of this chaos, Home Missions is using your funds wisely to support the work of missionary church planters who are reaching families and building churches across America.
Young mission churches often struggle to secure a loan from a lending institution. Sometimes, it is difficult even for established churches to secure funds for building or expansion. It is safe to say that banks have become more careful about their lending. Thankfully, the Church Extension Loan Fund (CELF) has been blessed by God to help meet this tremendous need.
Many Free Will Baptists have invested hard-earned funds in CELF. In turn, we carefully extend loans to missionaries and churches across the United States seeking to expand their facilities for outreach. Our loans are secured by first mortgage on every piece of property. This is Free Will Baptist money building Free Will Baptist churches. Now that is good stewardship!
The Home Missions North America team is doing all it can to honor the Great Commission left to us by the Lord Jesus. Our focus is on preaching, soul winning, and discipleship.
If CELF can help you fulfill your outreach vision, please contact us right away. Our focus in Home Missions North America is practical stewardship.
About the Writer: Larry A. Powell is director of Free Will Baptist Home Missions. To learn more about Free Will Baptist Home Missions, visit www.homemissions.net.