April-May 2023
The Discipleship Puzzle

Recipes for Life | Country Beef Pie
The crust:
½ cup of tomato sauce
½ cup bread crumbs
1 lb. ground beef
¼ cup chopped onion
¼ cup chopped green pepper
1 ½ teaspoons salt
1/8 teaspoon oregano
1/8 teaspoon pepper
The filling:
1 1/3 cups Minute Rice
½ cup water
1 ½ cups tomato sauce
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
½ teaspoon salt
Combine ingredients and mix well. Pat meat mixture into the bottom and pinch 1-inch flutings around the edges of greased 9-inch pie plate. Combine Minute Rice, tomato sauce, salt water, and ¼ cup cheese. Spoon rice mixture into meat shell. Cover with aluminum foil. Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees) for 25 minutes. Uncover and sprinkle top with remaining cheese. Return to oven and bake uncovered for 10 to 15 minutes longer. Cut into pie-shaped pieces.
Meal Plan
Country Beef Pie
Pineapple Salad
Iced Tea
Canned Peaches
French Toast and Eggs
Ten Reasons for
a Family Altar
It will sweeten home life and enrich home relationships as nothing else can.
It will dissolve misunderstandings and relieve all friction that enter the home.
It will hold our children to the Christian ideal and determine their lasting welfare.
It will send us to work for the day, whether school, home, office, store, or factory, determined to do our best and to glorify God.
It will give strength to meet bravely any disappointments and adversities that arise.
It will make us conscious throughout the day of the attending presence of our Friend and Helper.
It will hallow our friendships with guests in our homes.
It will reinforce the influence and work of the church, the Sunday School, and agencies helping to establish the Christian ideal throughout the world.
It will encourage other homes to make a place for the church.
It will honor our Father above and express our gratitude for His mercy and blessing.
Recipe Submitted by: Mrs. Jim McLain (Nashville, Tennessee). Wife of Rev. Jim McLain; Mother of one child; Christian 23 years; Favorite verse: Matthew 6:33.
Note: This excerpt comes from Bible and Mixing Bowl in a Woman’s World, published in 1962. The net proceeds from the sale of this book helped fund the Memorial Student Loan Fund, later became Dr. Mary R. Wisehart Student Scholarship.
The co-editors were Mrs. Roy O’Donnell (Mt. Olive, North Carolina) and Mrs. Eunice Edwards (Nashville, Tennessee). Published by WNAC. Each page of the book contained two recipes, a meal plan, a devotional thought or poem, and a brief biography of the recipe's author.