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CLEAR teacher of
the year

Nominate your Sunday School teacher for Teacher of the Year:

Do you know a fantastic Sunday School Teacher?

We are looking for today’s leading Sunday School teachers!  Do you know any? Are you in a Sunday School class you look forward to all week? Perhaps you find yourself anticipating the new things you will learn on Sunday morning? If so, you probably have an outstanding Sunday school teacher!

How long has it been since your told your fantastic Sunday school teacher how much you appreciate his or her ability to lead your class?  Take advantage of this opportunity to nominate your teacher for the CLEAR TEACHER OF THE YEAR award.  

How can I nominate my teacher?

Email your pastor, Sunday School superintendent, or minister of Christian education and explain why your teacher should be nominated for the CLEAR Teacher of the Year Award.   

What criteria should I look for?

  • A teacher who is able to capture the attention of students and relate to them on their level

  • A teacher who is confident in his/her knowledge of Scripture

  • A teacher who inspires students to dig deeper into the Word of God

  • A teacher who helps students apply truths of Scripture to their lives

  • A teacher who is growing spiritually in his or her own spiritual life and is involved in the spiritual growth of students’ lives

What age levels are eligible?

All ages—preschool, elementary, jr. high, high school, adults—are eligible, but only one winner will be chosen.

What will happen with the names and nominations given to Randall House?

Some nominees and their stories will be published in ONE Magazine. The winner will be showcased in the August/September issue of ONE beginning in 2006.

Get busy sending your nomination to your pastor, Sunday School superintendent, or minister of Christian education. Ask them to send your nomination to Randall House Publications at Subject: CLEAR Sunday School Teacher of the Year Award.


©2005 ONE Magazine, National Association of Free Will Baptists