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October-November 2024

Where Do We Go From Here?


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What Happened to It?

By Ron Hunter Jr.


It was a popular Jewish delicatessen featuring breakfast and lunch items not found at other restaurants. While I was not looking for a kosher menu, I wanted something other than the run-of-the-mill burger. The deli offered an array of unique items including a delicious pastrami sandwich and matzo ball soup.

Since customer service was second to none, the restaurant did great business, but they encountered costs beyond their control. After decades of successfully serving customers, they were overwhelmed by rising healthcare costs and benefits for their employees. (You can only charge so much for soup and a sandwich.)

The size of the restaurant, the location, and other factors limited their growth. The owner had numerous successes and other restaurants, but in 2015, the Midtown Noshville Delicatessen closed its doors, and former customers desperately miss their irreplaceable entrées.

I thought about this deli as I pondered the future of D6 Family Ministry. Several thoughts ran through my mind: does a ministry like D6 Family (Randall House) need to trim its “menu” of services to survive this rapidly changing landscape? If yes, what do we cut? Would people miss us if we no longer existed? Do pastors not realize we have been an exception? That every other denominational publisher has collected donations for years?

These questions and many other concerns continuously run through my mind as I attempt to steward a valuable ministry that affects the identity of our movement. I wrestle with the most common misunderstanding about non-profit ministries like ours — that we sell products but still need donations to offer all the services needed, especially for those who cannot afford them.

Our fundraising challenges stem from a small percentage who hold a forty-year-old belief that if we do not have an annual offering day, it indicates we neither need nor deserve financial support, and therefore should not start asking for contributions now. People outside our denomination continue to be impressed by all D6 does for our people, missionaries, youth, church planters, chaplains, and the international community.

The last five years taught all of us we must adapt to new methods just to survive. Our pastors have truly adjusted in a post-pandemic world, and I am proud to say, without compromise. For nearly 70 years, Randall House (now D6 Family Ministry) has given back to our denomination without charging nearly enough to cover the costs. Every week, church planters have teachers open Free Will Baptist curriculum and teach their students to understand our doctrine and embrace a solid conservative view of Scripture. Deployed chaplains have access to books and Bible studies to teach and give to the troops. Young troops often desire The Brink Magazine or Fusion Family Magazine for their devotions. Most Free Will Baptists would rather give their congregations our devotional magazines instead of Our Daily Bread or Upper Room, which, though good, do not support our denomination or our teachings.


People eagerly support our colleges and missionaries who are very worthy of support, but forget that almost every missionary grew up on Randall House curriculum, went through our teen leadership program Truth & Peace, and studied and competed at our annual Church Training Service (CTS) where they memorized large portions of Scripture, learned stories, and developed musical and artistic talents. Missionaries (home and international) get to shop for books for their personal use without paying a single dollar all because people support our ministry. This past year, several missionaries came through and selected upward of $900 worth of books from our warehouse free of charge.

We are seeing generational discipleship reach thousands of churches worldwide teaching in ways no one else is doing! The D6 Podcast, which started eight years ago, now has over 400 episodes reaching countries around the world. Top Reads for Busy Leaders has thousands of subscribers, and they pay nothing for this weekly service.

Like the Noshville Deli, this D6 list of services offers a full menu for pastors, misisonaries, churches, and young people that is unmatched, but like the famous deli, is quickly becoming unsustainable. That is why we need your support. We don’t want to cut the “menu” of services we provide. Each plays a vital role in discipleship development and the carrying out of the Great Commission.

Thank you for trusting us for all these years, for enjoying our books, curriculum, CTS, Truth & Peace, YET, Top Reads for Busy Leaders, the D6 Podcast, and so much more.

Your purchase of church curriculum is the biggest blessing. When you provide your people with D6 devotional magazines, we both win because discipleship occurs every day, not just on Sundays. For those who have included us in your budget because you see us as the ministry we are, thank you.
More state ministries have included us in their annual budgets. Numerous individuals believe in what we do, understand their children benefited from one of our ministries, or see the obvious partnership between discipleship and missions. No matter the reason, more people have begun to recognize the value of and need to support D6 Family Ministry. Without a doubt, your support through one-time gifts is incredibly helpful, but through monthly support, you become a hero who enables us to continue making an impact around the globe.

Quite honestly, we must change the archaic and inaccurate mindset that suggests D6 Family Ministry (Randall House) is not a ministry. Other denominational publishers, AWANA, Christian colleges, the Salvation Army, and numerous ministry organizations sell products but also take in a large percentage of donor gifts to keep their ministries viable. Without those gifts they could not survive. That day has arrived for us as well.

We have been blessed for many decades to perform above the standards of non-profits, but the past five years have revealed some serious vulnerabilities. We need your help, no matter how small the gift you are able to provide. We simply ask that you begin today.

A monthly gift could mean this valuable ministry avoids the tragic fate of that famous deli. We offer the Bread of Life, not sandwiches. Will you join us today, pick one of our ministry categories, and provide financial support? We will send you a monthly report and communicate with you. We do not take any gift for granted. If you love our menu and how we serve you, your kids, pastors, churches, and missionaries, then your gifts can ensure these services continue.

About the Writer: Ron Hunter Jr. has a Ph.D. in leadership and is CEO of D6 Family Ministry. You may contact him at

©2024 ONE Magazine, National Association of Free Will Baptists