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Events and Changes Coming in 2008
For the best in church and ministry resources, visit www.randallhouse.com.
July 20-23 — Charleston, West Virginia
Theme: It's Not About Me
He must increase, but I must decrease.
John 3:30
There will be a $10 fee for adults to register for the 2008 National Youth Conference to attend NYC activities, including competition. Student fees have not been raised, even though expenses have increased. We are grateful that so many adults support the youth activities. Still, we are faced with the challenge of providing space to accommodate such large crowds.
We appreciate your support of the National Youth Conference. It is our desire that the conference be a premier youth event worthy of your investment. Please share ideas and recommendations. Send email to scm@randallhouse.com or call (800) 877-7030.

Competition Guidelines Corrections, Updates, and Changes
GUIDELINES CORRECTIONS (Guidelines book only, the Bible Study Packs CD is correct)
Bible Library Old Testament (Pg. 18)
Books of Poetry: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
Books of Prophecy include Isaiah through Malachi
Guidelines Clarification (pgs. 21, 26 & 36)
Bible Millionaire, TruthQuest, and Bible Bowl are no longer available in separate printed copies for sale or download. All three of these games are packaged together in a Bible Study Packs CD, available for purchase through Randall House. Free downloads of the Winter and Spring Bible study sections of the CLEAR curriculum used in Bible Millionaire and TruthQuest will be available at www.fwbnyc.com.

Bible Tic Tac Toe Participants (pg. 30)
“Substitutions can only be made prior to the beginning of a match [not the tournament] and must be approved by the quizmaster.”
Extra Study Books for 2008 Bible Tic Tac Toe
1 Chronicles, Zephaniah, Malachi, Colossians, James
Bible Tic Tac Toe Volume 3 and Bible Sword Drill booklet Volume 3 have been revised. Be sure that the edition you are using has the 2007 reprint date.
The 2007 Buck-A-Week donations totaled $7,451.43. That offering helped construct a church building for the White Earth Indian Reservation in Minnesota and supported Bible Institutes in Russia, Cuba, India, and West Africa. The 2008 contributions will go to help build a church in Salt Lake City and support the Nehemiah Project in Spain and the Chame Property Project in Panama. What are you doing to reach your world? Support global missions with a buck a week. Contact Randall House at (800) 877-7030 for offering envelopes and contribution posters to help track your progress.

Free Lessons
Free Youth Camp Bible Lessons based on the NYC theme, “It’s Not About Me,” will be available in the spring as a free download at www.fwbnyc.com.
Let’s Reach This Guy Too. RT G2 is a service project promotion for
the local church. Download RT G2 artwork at www.SCmin.com.
If you already have something going, great! Keep up the good work.
Let’s all do what we can to serve those who are close, to Reach This
Guy Too.
Visit www.fwbnyc.com for additional information about Truth & Peace Leadership Conference, Reach That Guy, free NYC downloads, Competition Guidelines Updates, and other useful resources. The National Youth Conference is a ministry of Randall House Publications. Visit www.randallhouse.com for the best in Christian book and church resources.