We need healthy, local churches to provide the community required for a person to follow Jesus.
Evangelism Without Church Planting: The Example of Elza
by Tim Awtrey
Early one Saturday morning, as I walked down a lonely side street in a city of two million, I heard a voice call out, “Tim, Tim!” Surprised, I turned to see Elza running toward me. Ten years earlier, Elza had become a follower of Jesus in a Bible study I helped lead as part of a college ministry in Bulgaria. I left the work to continue my education in the States and had not seen Elza in over six years. I immediately recalled, however, what an amazing musician Elza was, and how I always loved to hear her praise God.
We cut through the chitchat and I asked her how she was doing. Elza knew I didn’t want to hear about the weather or her career; I wanted her to tell me about her relationship with Jesus.
Unfortunately, I learned that this woman, who just a few years ago was praising God with her music, had drifted from the faith. She was not in church, had a non-Christian boyfriend, and hadn’t written any praise music in years.
Pain and sadness burned inside of me. Weeds had choked out this beautiful flower of grace. I learned Elza’s hometown did not have a healthy church—not uncommon in Bulgaria—and a slow process of atrophy had ensued.
This scene with Elza repeated itself several times over during the next few weeks while I visited Bulgaria. Many men and women who had given their heart to Jesus as students later abandoned Hope because, after graduating from university, they had no strong, local church in their hometown.
Something akin to rage developed in me that summer. I was truly angry. Furious that, because healthy churches did not exist, many like Elza would slowly fade away. It should not be! We need healthy, local churches to provide the community required for a person to follow Jesus.
It is extremely difficult to follow Jesus alone, especially in a culture that consistently demeans Christianity. Following Jesus in community, as an active part of a local church, provides discipleship and growth opportunities. I haven’t seen Elza since that day, but I made a promise to myself and to my Creator to do whatever it takes to prevent others from being like Elza for lack of a local church.
About the Writer: Tim and Lydia Awtrey were appointed as missionaries to Bulgaria in 2006. Read more about Free Will Baptist Intnernational Missions.