November 2012
Check Your Vision

WNAC: Women of Vision
by Elizabeth Hodges
The past two years reflect an exciting journey for WNAC. What a blessing to travel and meet women from 21 of 22 reporting states. Women Active for Christ come in different shapes, sizes, and temperaments, but our unifying factor lies in our love for the Lord and our desire to serve Him. Though we do that differently, God continues to bless our efforts across the denomination.
Steward Provision Closet
Through the Steward Provision Closet, WNAC aggressively seeks to meet the needs of international and home missionaries, as well as the needs of Free Will Baptist Bible institutes. After 50 years, the Closet remains a viable ministry. Missionaries appreciate this labor of love, and women value the ability to minister in practical ways by meeting physical needs within missionary homes.
During the past year, women shared in the 50th celebration of our Panamanian sisters by providing needed items for the Chamé Institute’s kitchen and dining hall.
Streamlined Giving
We continue to streamline giving so designated money reaches the intended destination in a more timely fashion. Monies for various missions and ministry causes can now be sent directly (reported to, rather than routed through WNAC). At the end of June, more than $205,000 had been sent directly to ministry recipients.
ONE Magazine
Joining ONE Magazine has expanded WNAC’s exposure within the denominational family. A presence in ONE allows many who are unfamiliar with WNAC to learn about and participate in its multiple ministries. It provides women more opportunity for Great Commission work.
The Dr. Mary Ruth Wisehart Scholarship Fund now touches young women at all five Free Will Baptist colleges. At the 2011 WNAC convention, women adopted scholarship guidelines that allow the organization to support young ladies preparing to serve the Lord, regardless of their area of study or choice of Free Will Baptist college. We anticipate great things from these special young ladies.
The Cleo Pursell Foreign Student Scholarship Fund continues to support international students preparing to serve the Lord in their native regions. If not on earth, one day in Heaven, we will meet these individuals and enjoy the beauty of eternity together.
Online Expansion
As WNAC seeks to minister to the next generation, a QR code now directs respondents to our website. We are pursuing the possibility of a digitized version of Treasure for those who prefer the flexibility of an electronic format. We are also exploring the possibility of a Spanish version of Treasure Bible studies as an online resource.
Social media outlets connect a growing audience of all ages. The WNAC Facebook page reaches over 1,200 viewers on a daily basis. We envision a Pinterest board as a place for women to share creative ideas for monthly meetings and special events.
Addressing Needs
During the fall of 2011, WNAC invited state officers to participate in an in-depth survey, giving women a venue for sharing thoughts and suggestions concerning direction and ministry. Ladies spoke, and leadership listened. Survey results helped the Executive Committee plan 2012 meetings that addressed these identified needs.
Though venues may change, the purpose of WNAC remains the same. We seek to enable women to fulfill God-designed roles in their homes, churches, communities, and around the world.
About the Writer: Elizabeth Hodges is executive director of Women Nationally Active for Christ. Read more: www.wnac.org.