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david marks resolutions

Made for life, at Queenston, Upper Canada, December 23, 3:00 o’clock, P.M. in the year of my Lord, 1835.

 “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” -Jesus Christ.


Resolutions: By the grace of God, I do solemnly make the following resolutions, and determine to read them as often as once a week, and to keep them faithfully all the days of my life. And, O my blessed Savior, I pray that thou wouldst keep me steadfast to the end. Amen. David Marks.


With regard to my thoughts:

  •  I will indulge in no reflections nor meditations which I believe will not be useful to me, but the moment when vain suggestions first approach, I will thrust them from me.

  •  I will not think a great deal upon worldly subjects, or, at least, not so much as to prevent my meditation being upon God’s law day and night.

  •  I will endeavor to spend twenty minutes before every meal in close examination and meditation.


My motives:

  •  I will always endeavor to have but one motive to lead me forward and influence me to act in every thing, and this motive shall be to glorify my Maker.

  •  I will endeavor to examine carefully my secret motives in all I do, and when I discover that my motive is not pure, and for God’s glory, and this alone, I will not be led by it, but resist it.


In relation to my temper:

  •  I will endeavor always to keep it calm and without irritability.

  •  I will strive hard to be always meek and patient in all circumstances.

  •  I will endeavor to be deliberate in all things, and holy in all my inclinations and feelings.


As to my deeds:

  •  I will aim to do nothing except what, on examination, I believe to be directly or indirectly commanded by God.

  •  I will endeavor to perform no deeds which lam convinced are merely selfish.

  •  I will do nothing which I would be ashamed to have known were it by accident or by necessity to become public.

  •  I will not overdo body or mind, but endeavor to lay out my work according to the strength which God shall give, so as never to bring myself into temptation by needless perplexity.


As a Christian:

  •  I will endeavor to make my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, my guide, leader, pattern, and example.

  •  I will never be ashamed of Christ, nor to own myself a Christian in any company, nor from fear of reproach neglect to introduce religion in any place where I believe the effect would be salutary.

  •  I will never conform to any of the fashions, manners, and customs of the world, except I am first convinced of their utility in themselves considered, unless it be in a case where a variation would be likely to do more harm than conformity.

  •  I will endeavor to kneel and pray in secret three times a day, viz., when I arise, at noon, and on going to bed; and I will strive always to have my whole soul engaged in prayer when my lips are.

  •  I will endeavor never to pray to be heard of men, nor merely to continue a form, but always pray for what I want and nothing else.

  •  I will endeavor always to attend family worship before breakfast, and before supper, both at home and abroad, except in such cases as I shall judge it duty to omit it.


As a minister:

  •  I will labor constantly to be intelligent, and for this purpose I will attentively read three chapters in the Bible by course every day, and will endeavor to spend two hours each day in scientific studies, two hours in theological studies, and two hours in writing.

  •  I will always endeavor to spend one hour before every sermon, and every other religious meeting I may attend, in study and reflection, preparatory for the sacred services, when I can consistently with other duties.

  •  I will endeavor always to introduce religious conversation and prayer in all places where my lot may be cast, and among all kinds of company, unless indeed other circumstances forbid, so that it is evidently duty to omit such services.

  •  I will always improve every opportunity to reprove sin: still I will endeavor to do it with meekness and affection, both publicly and privately.

  •  I will endeavor to spend one hour every day in religious visiting and conversation, and always endeavor to visit and pray with two families each day, one of whom shall be a family I never visited before.

  •  I will always endeavor to instruct the ignorant with meekness and patience.


As a husband:

  •  I will always be attentive to learn and supply the wants of my dear wife.

  •  I will never be impatient, quick, nor fretful, nor disposed to fault finding.

  •  I will never be morose.

  •  I will always be attentive.

  •  I will always be affectionate.

  •  I will always be very kind. I will never be impolite.

  •  I will always be sociable.

  •  I will always be respectful.


As a citizen:

  •  I will carefully read and consider the things of public interest, and faithfully serve the public.

  •  I will always treat rules with respect.

  •  Still I will be faithful to truth and justice.

  •  Twill faithfully warn my country of its dangers.

  •  I will be courteous, and obliging, and kind to all men.


In relation to my words:

  •  They shall be few.

  •  They shall be well considered.

  •  They shall be always serious.

  •  They shall be always plain.

  •  They shall never be slanderous.

  •  They shall always be kind.

  •  They shall never exaggerate truth.

  •  They shall always be designed to do good.

  •  I will always be cautious of what I say and to whom I say it.

  •  Twill always endeavor to think carefully before I speak, especially when circumstances do not absolutely demand that I should speak immediately.

  •  I will always endeavor according to my ability to discern what duties Christians and ministers neglect, and encourage them to renewed diligence and faithfulness.

  •  I will endeavor always, according to my ability, to be teaching sinners their guilt, and their duty to repent immediately.

  •  I will strive always to be courteous to my friends, but never flattering.

  •  In my public addresses, Twill endeavor to have all my words solemn.

  •  In private they shall be guarded.

  •  All my conversation shall be religious or strictly conformable to religious principles.


As to my temporal concerns:

  •  I will not be a slave.

  •  Nor will be anxious.

  •  I will not be covetous.

  •  I will not be wasteful.

  •  Neither will I be selfish.

  •  I will not be profuse.

  •  Neither will I be gay.

  •  I will always endeavor to drive my work and never let that drive me.

  •  I will be very cautious of getting embarrassed in my temporal affairs.

  • I will endeavor to contract no needless expense.

  • I will endeavor to devote all I have to God, either directly or indirectly.

  • So long as my income from my labors, and those of my wife amount to $400 per year, I will give, that is, pay out $100 per annum for benevolent purposes.

  • So long as the Lord prospers me, I will give, that is, pay out twenty-five per cent of the increase of my property to God, the estimate to be made January 1, 1836.


As to my sleep: I will endeavor to sleep eight hours in the winter, and seven hours in the summer, or at least lie in bed these number of hours, and these hours shall be equally before and after midnight, or at least between nine and five o’clock.


As to general duties:

  •  I will endeavor that all my preaching shall be affectionate.

  •  I will endeavor when circumstances and other duties will permit, to preach from five to seven times per week.

  •  I will always labor to feel what I preach.

  •  In labors, meetings of business, etc., I will be very cautious of giving offense, yet be firm to truth.

  •  I will watch my opportunities to visit those that are in prison.

  •  I will also often visit those that are confined in alms houses.

  •  Twill frequently visit the sick.

  •  I will use the best economy I can in all my expenses, and in all things.

  •  Twill be kind to the poor, and especially to those who are my relatives.

  • Finally, if hereafter I find any good thing not included in these resolutions, I will practice the same.

  • I will read these resolutions every week for at least five years, if I live, and try to keep them without the least variation.


Resolutions taken from:

David Marks: What a Preacher! What a Man! Pat Thomas, 212-215, Home Missions Department, Nashville, TN. To read more about Free Will Baptist Home Missions, visit their website at


the life and writings of David Marks

David Marks' Final Sermon, Thursday, November 13, 1845

Funeral of David Marks (Funeral sermon by Charles Finney)

Final Remarks of David Marks

Sermon Notes in his own hand (Courtesy Bates College Special Collection)

David Marks’ Last Resolutions



©2007 ONE Magazine, National Association of Free Will Baptists